Why Can’t I Follow People on Instagram? – Follow Anyone

There are several reasons why you may be unable to follow people on Instagram. These include having followed too many accounts too quickly, exceeding your follow limit, encountering a network connection issue, or having your account action blocked by Instagram.

Additionally, if a user has blocked you, you won’t be able to follow that account. It’s important to review these factors and address any issues accordingly to resolve the issue.

There are a few justifications for why you may not be able to follow individuals on Instagram.

Here are the absolute generally normal reasons:

1. You have exceeded the follow limit: Instagram limits how many accounts you can follow to prevent spam and bot activity. As of October 2023, the limit is 7,500 accounts. If you try to follow someone beyond this limit, you will see an error message.

2. Instagram has action blocked your account: If Instagram detects suspicious activity, such as following too many accounts too quickly, they may temporarily block your ability to follow others. This is a temporary measure designed to protect the platform from spam and abuse.

3. Check your internet connection: Sometimes, a simple internet connection issue can prevent you from following people on Instagram. Try restarting your Wi-Fi or mobile data connection and see if that resolves the problem.

4. Clear your Instagram app cache: If the issue persists, try clearing the Instagram app cache. This can sometimes resolve problems caused by outdated or corrupted data.

5. Check if Instagram is down: It’s also possible that Instagram is experiencing technical difficulties. You can check their online status page or social media channels for updates.

6. You may be temporarily blocked by the user: If you try to follow someone who has recently blocked you, you will see an error message. You will not be able to follow them until they unblock you.

7. You may be experiencing a bug: In some cases, the inability to follow people may be due to a bug in the Instagram app. Try updating the app to the latest version and see if that fixes the problem.

If you have tried all of these troubleshooting tips and you are still unable to follow people on Instagram, you may need to contact Instagram Support for further assistance.

Table of Contents

Pros and Cons of Why Can’t I Follow People on Instagram?


  1. Avoids cluttering your feed with content you’re not interested in.
  2. Maintains a curated list of accounts that align with your interests.
  3. Prevents excessive notifications from accounts you may not be actively engaging with.
  4. Encourages meaningful connections rather than just accumulating followers.
  5. Helps maintain focus on quality interactions and engagement.


  1. Limits the potential for discovering new and diverse content and perspectives.
  2. Hinders networking opportunities and building a larger audience.
  3. Restricts the ability to keep up with updates from friends, family, or favorite brands.
  4. Limits exposure to different viewpoints and experiences within the platform.
  5. Can lead to feelings of isolation or exclusion within the Instagram community.

1. Common Reasons Why You Can’t Follow People on Instagram Account

If you find yourself unable to follow people on Instagram, you’re not alone. This issue can be frustrating, but it’s important to understand that there are several common reasons behind it.

How about we investigate the absolute most predominant causes:

a) Following Limits and Restrictions Instagram issue

Instagram imposes certain limitations on how many accounts you can follow within a specific time frame.

This is a measure to prevent spammy behavior and maintain a healthy user experience.

b) Account Flags and Restrictions to follow more accounts on instagram

Accounts that engage in suspicious or spam-like activity may be flagged by Instagram’s algorithms. This can lead to restrictions, including limitations on following other users.

c) Technical Glitches or Bugs to block you from following

Occasionally, technical issues within the Instagram app or platform can disrupt normal functionalities, including the ability to follow other accounts.

d) Internet Connection Problems

A stable internet connection is crucial for using Instagram without interruptions. Weak or unstable connections can lead to issues with various features, including following others.

e) Outdated or Unoptimized App Version

Using an outdated or poorly optimized version of the Instagram app can result in performance issues, including difficulties with following.

f) Violations of Instagram Guidelines to follow someone on instagram

Engaging in activities that violate Instagram’s community guidelines, such as excessive following and unfollowing, can lead to temporary or permanent follow restrictions.

2. Account Restrictions and Limitations on Instagram

Instagram has implemented various measures to ensure a positive user experience for everyone.

These measures include restrictions and limitations on certain account activities, including the following.

Understanding these limitations is crucial for maintaining a healthy and engaging presence on the platform.

a) Following Limits Based on Follow Accounts Age

New accounts often have more stringent following limits in place. This is to prevent newly created accounts from engaging in aggressive following behavior.

b) Following Restrictions for Suspicious Activity

Accounts that exhibit behavior indicative of spam or suspicious activity may face restrictions on following. This is a protective measure to maintain the integrity of the platform.

c) Temporary vs. Permanent Restrictions

It’s important to differentiate between temporary follow restrictions and permanent bans.

Temporary restrictions are often lifted after a certain period, whereas permanent bans are more severe and can result from repeated violations of Instagram’s guidelines.

d) Business Accounts on instagram and Following Limits

Business accounts may have different limits compared to personal accounts. This is to accommodate the needs of businesses engaging with their audience.

e) Anti-Spam Measures and Following Limits

Instagram employs anti-spam measures to detect and prevent spammy behavior. These measures may result in following restrictions for accounts engaging in suspicious activity.

3. Possible Solutions to the Follow Issue on Instagram

Encountering difficulties with following on Instagram can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to address the issue. Let’s explore some practical solutions:

a) Review and Adjust the Following Activity

Start by reviewing your recent following activity. If you’ve been following or unfollowing accounts rapidly, consider slowing down to stay within Instagram’s prescribed limits.

b) Clear Cache and Data

Clearing the cache and data on the Instagram app can help resolve technical glitches that may be affecting your ability to follow accounts.

c) Check for App Updates

Guarantee you’re utilizing the most recent variant of the Instagram application. Updating to the most recent version can often fix bugs or issues that may be causing the following problems.

d) Verify Your Account

Verifying your account can establish credibility and may reduce the likelihood of encountering restrictions.

e) Reach Out to Instagram Support

If you’ve tried the above steps and continue to experience issues with the following, consider reaching out to Instagram’s official support channels for further assistance.

4. Make sure Your Account is Not Flagged as Spam or Suspicious

Instagram’s calculations are intended to identify and forestall malicious or dubious ways of behaving. If your account has been flagged, it’s important to take steps to rectify the situation.

a) Review Your Activity

Take a close look at your recent activity on Instagram. Have you been engaging in behavior that could be interpreted as spammy or suspicious? This may include rapid following and unfollowing, or excessively liking posts.

b) Slow Down Following Activity

If you’ve been following or unfollowing accounts rapidly, consider slowing down your activity to align with Instagram’s guidelines. This can assist with keeping your record from being hailed.

c) Avoid Using Automation Tools

Using automation tools or bots to manage your Instagram activity can lead to account flags and restrictions. It’s best to engage with the platform manually to ensure compliance with Instagram’s policies.

d) Report Any Issues to Instagram Support

If you believe your account has been incorrectly flagged or restricted, don’t hesitate to reach out to Instagram’s support team. They can provide guidance on how to rectify the situation.

5. Checking Your Internet Connection and Updating the Instagram App

A stable internet connection is essential for using Instagram without disruptions. If you’re experiencing difficulties with following, consider checking your internet connection and ensuring you have the latest version of the Instagram app installed.

a) Test Your Internet Connection

Run a speed test to check the stability and speed of your internet connection. Weak or unstable connections can lead to issues with various features on Instagram, including the following.

b) Update the Instagram App

Ensure you have the most recent rendition of the Instagram application introduced on your gadget. Designers now and again discharge updates to fix messes with and further develop execution.

c) Restart Your Device

Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve technical issues. Switch off your gadget, stand by a couple of moments, and afterward betray.

Checking Your Internet Connection and Updating the Instagram App

6. Checking for Any Pending Updates or Notifications on Instagram

Staying up-to-date with app notifications and updates is crucial for a seamless experience on Instagram. If you’re facing issues with the following, it’s worth checking for any pending updates or notifications within the app.

a) Review App Notifications

Open the Instagram app and navigate to your notifications tab. Check if there are any pending notifications or alerts that may be relevant to your following issue.

b) Check for App Updates

Visit your device’s app store and check if there are any updates available for the Instagram app. Updating to the latest version can often resolve technical problems.

7. Clearing Cache and Data on the Instagram App

Clearing the cache and data on the Instagram app can help resolve technical glitches that may be affecting your ability to follow accounts.

a) Android Devices

1.      Open your device’s Settings.

2.      Scroll down and select “Apps” or “Applications.”

3.      Find and tap on Instagram.

4.      Select “Storage.”

5.      Tap “Clear Cache” and “Clear Data.”

b) iOS Devices

1.      Open your device’s Settings.

2.      Scroll down and select “General.”

3.      Tap “iPhone Storage” (or “iPad Storage”).

4.      Find and tap Instagram.

5.      Select “Offload App” (This will clear the cache but keep your data) or “Delete App” (This will clear both cache and data).

8. Verifying Your Accounts on Instagram and Identity on Instagram

Verifying your account on Instagram can help establish credibility and may reduce the likelihood of encountering follow restrictions.

a) Request Verification on Instagram issue

1.      Open the Instagram application and go to your profile.

2.      Tap the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to access the menu.

b) Select “Settings,” then “Account,” and then “Request Verification.”

3.      Follow the prompts to provide the required information, including your account name, category, and a scan of your government-issued ID.

c) Wait for a Response Instagram issue

Instagram will review your request for verification. If approved, you’ll receive a blue checkmark next to your account name, indicating that it’s a verified account.

9. Understanding the Following and Unfollowing Limits on Instagram

Instagram sets specific limits on the number of accounts you can follow within a certain time frame. This is to prevent spammy behavior and ensure a positive user experience for all users.

a) Daily Following Limit

Instagram typically allows users to follow up to 200 accounts per day. Exceeding this limit may result in temporary follow restrictions.

b) Total Following Limit

The total number of accounts you can follow on Instagram depends on various factors, including the age and activity of your account. Newer accounts may have lower follow limits compared to established accounts.

c) Unfollowing Limits

Similar to following, there are limits on how many accounts you can unfollow within a specific time frame. Excessive unfollowing may also trigger restrictions.

10. Maintaining a Good Reputation on Instagram

Building and maintaining a positive reputation on Instagram is essential for avoiding follow issues and enjoying a healthy presence on the platform.

a) Engage Authentically

Interact with other users in a genuine and authentic manner. Meaningful engagement contributes to a positive online community.

b) Avoid Excessive Following and Unfollowing

Resist the temptation to rapidly follow and unfollow accounts. This behavior is often flagged as spammy and can lead to follow restrictions.

c) Report Suspicious Activity

If you come across accounts engaging in suspicious or spam-like behavior, report them to Instagram. This helps maintain a safe and trustworthy environment.

d) Comply with Community Guidelines

Look into Instagram’s people group rules and comply with them. Violating these guidelines can result in various restrictions, including limitations on following.

11. Avoiding Shadowbanning and Violating Instagram Guidelines

Shadowbanning is a practice in which Instagram limits the visibility of an account’s content without notifying the user. Avoiding shadowbanning and adhering to Instagram’s guidelines is crucial for maintaining a healthy online presence.

a) Understanding Shadowbanning

Shadowbanning can occur as a result of violating Instagram’s guidelines, such as using unauthorized automation tools or engaging in spammy behavior.

b) Avoiding Prohibited Practices

Refrain from using automation tools, bots, or engaging in behavior that violates Instagram’s policies. These practices can lead to shadowbanning and other restrictions.

c) Regularly Review and Update Your Strategy

Stay informed about Instagram’s policies and guidelines, and adjust your strategy accordingly to ensure compliance.

12. Troubleshooting Additional Issues with Following People on Instagram

If you’ve tried the above solutions and continue to experience issues with following on Instagram, there may be additional factors at play.

a) Consider External Apps or Integrations

If you’ve connected external apps or integrations to your Instagram account, they may be affecting your ability to follow accounts. Disconnect or review their permissions.

b) Review and Adjust Privacy Settings

Check your privacy settings to ensure they are configured correctly. Incorrect settings may prevent you from following accounts.

c) Monitor for Changes in Instagram Policies

Stay updated on any changes in Instagram’s policies and guidelines. New policies may impact your ability to follow accounts.

d) Contact Instagram Support

If all else fails, reach out to Instagram’s official support channels for assistance in resolving the issue.

13. Seeking Help from Instagram Support for Unresolved Follow Issues

If you’ve tried all the suggested solutions and continue to face difficulties with following on Instagram, it’s advisable to seek help from Instagram’s official support channels.

a) Contacting Instagram Support

Visit the Instagram Help Center and navigate to the “Contact Us” section. Provide detailed information about the issue you’re experiencing and follow the prompts to submit a support request.

b) Be Patient and Persistent

Resolving technical issues may take time, and it’s possible that Instagram’s support team may need some time to investigate and respond to your request.

14. Best Practices for Gradually Increasing Your Following Activity on Instagram

If you’ve faced follow restrictions in the past, it’s important to approach increasing your following activity gradually and in a way that aligns with Instagram’s guidelines.

a) Set Realistic Goals

Avoid the temptation to rapidly increase your following count. Instead, set realistic and sustainable goals for growth.

b) Engage with Your Audience

Focus on building meaningful connections with your existing followers. Certifiable commitment is more significant than a high devotee count.

c) Monitor Your Following Activity

Keep an eye on your following activity and ensure it remains within Instagram’s prescribed limits.

15. Preventing Future Follow Restrictions by Following Instagram’s Guidelines

The best way to avoid follow restrictions on Instagram is to follow the platform’s guidelines and policies.

a) Familiarize Yourself with Instagram’s Policies

Take the time to read and understand Instagram’s community guidelines and terms of service.

b) Stay Updated on Policy Changes

Keep yourself informed about any updates or changes in Instagram’s policies that may affect your account activity.

c) Prioritize Authentic Engagement

Focus on building authentic connections with other users rather than aiming for a high follower count.

16. Conclusion and Summary of Key Takeaways for Resolving Instagram Follow Issues

Encountering difficulties with following on Instagram can be frustrating, but it’s important to understand the reasons behind it and take appropriate steps to address the issue.

By adhering to Instagram’s guidelines, maintaining a positive reputation, and seeking support when needed, you can navigate and overcome follow restrictions effectively.

Remember, building a meaningful presence on Instagram is a gradual process that requires patience and authenticity.

By following best practices and staying informed, you can enjoy a positive and engaging experience on the platform.


What are the daily following limits on Instagram?

Instagram typically allows users to follow up to 200 accounts per day. Exceeding this limit may result in temporary follow restrictions.

Why might my account be flagged as spam or suspicious?

Accounts engaging in behavior that Instagram’s algorithms perceive as spammy or suspicious, such as rapid following and unfollowing, may be flagged, leading to restrictions.

How can I clear cache and data on the Instagram app?

For Android devices, navigate to Settings > Apps > Instagram > Storage > Clear Cache and Clear Data. For iOS devices, go to Settings > General > iPhone (or iPad) Storage > Instagram > Offload App (to clear cache) or Delete App (to clear both cache and data).

What should I do if my account is shadowbanned?

To avoid shadowbanning, refrain from using automation tools, bots, or engaging in behavior that violates Instagram’s policies. Regularly review and adjust your strategy to ensure compliance.

How can I request verification for my Instagram account?

To request verification, go to your Instagram profile, tap the three horizontal lines, select Settings > Account > Request Verification, and follow the prompts to provide the required information.

What should I do if I’ve tried all the solutions and still can’t follow people on Instagram?

If you’ve exhausted all suggested solutions and continue to face difficulties, reach out to Instagram’s official support channels through the Help Center’s “Contact Us” section.

How can I gradually increase my following activity while staying within Instagram’s guidelines?

Set realistic goals, engage authentically with your audience, and monitor your following activity to ensure it remains within Instagram’s prescribed limits.

What’s the difference between temporary follow restrictions and permanent bans?

Temporary follow restrictions are often lifted after a certain period, whereas permanent bans are more severe and can result from repeated violations of Instagram’s guidelines.

Can using external apps or integrations affect my ability to follow accounts on Instagram?

Yes, if you’ve connected external apps or integrations to your Instagram account, they may be affecting your ability to follow accounts. Consider disconnecting or reviewing their permissions.

How can I maintain a good reputation on Instagram to avoid follow issues?

Engage authentically, avoid excessive following and unfollowing, report suspicious activity, and comply with Instagram’s community guidelines to maintain a positive reputation on the platform.

What is the maximum number of people I can follow on Instagram?

The maximum number of accounts you can follow on Instagram is 7,500.

How long does an Instagram follow block last?

 The duration of an Instagram follow block varies, but it typically ranges from a few hours to a few days.

How To Follow On Instagram Without Request?

To follow someone on Instagram without sending a follow request, you can:
Go to the profile of the person you want to follow.
Tap the three dots icon (⋮) next to their username.
Select “Turn on Post Notifications” to receive updates without following.

How To Follow Someone On Instagram If Their Account Is Private?

To follow someone on Instagram with a private account:
Send a follow request.
Wait for the user to approve your request.
Once approved, you can see their posts and stories.

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